Workflow - Info - Descriptor Type: CWL is wrongly set instead of WDL

I found the cause of the not updating Files tab. When the workflows - name attribute was added in the .dockstore file and pushed, the Files tab was not updated. Then I reverted the commit, then the Files tab was updated. I don’t know why. This is surprising. Though I still see the Descriptor Type: CWL.

diff --git a/.dockstore.yml b/.dockstore.yml
index c71c701..98f831e 100644
--- a/.dockstore.yml
+++ b/.dockstore.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 version: 1.2
-  - subclass: WDL
+  - name: bio-diversity-genomics-garg
+    subclass: WDL
     primaryDescriptorPath: /bio-diversity-genomics-garg.wdl
       - /bio-diversity-genomics-garg.inputs.json

Here is the current .dockstore.

$ cat .dockstore.yml 
version: 1.2
  - subclass: WDL
    primaryDescriptorPath: /bio-diversity-genomics-garg.wdl
      - /bio-diversity-genomics-garg.inputs.json
      - name: XXXX (masked)
        email: XXXX  (masked)
      - name: XXXX (masked)
        email: XXXX (masked)