Author metadata not read from .dockstore.yml

Hi there,

we’ve noticed that the author metadata doesn’t appear for most of our workflows, e.g hic-hicup-cooler/.dockstore.yml at main · iwc-workflows/hic-hicup-cooler · GitHub / Dockstore

Do you have any idea what’s going on there ?


We took a quick look, as per .dockstore.yml for Workflows Templates (version 1.2) — Dockstore documentation the name is being ignored when an ORCID is provided since we’ll pull that information from ORCID. However, in this case it looks like ORCID is cut-off, hic-hicup-cooler/.dockstore.yml at main · iwc-workflows/hic-hicup-cooler · GitHub has 0000-0002-1964-496 vs 0000-0002-1964-4960

So give that a shot

Thank you… I feel stupid.

No worries, it’s always good to receive feedback on what people are using and/or where we can improve parsing/error messages.