Descriptor & Test parameter files not showing up on dockstore when the tool is published using command line

When I use dockstore manual_publish to publish a tool, the descriptor files and test parameter files are not loading as expected

Here are the commands I used -

dockstore tool manual_publish --name refget-compliance-suite --namespace ga4gh --git-url --git-reference feature/add_wdl_cwl --version-name 1.2.6 --dockerfile-path /Dockerfile  --cwl-path /tools/cwl/refget_compliance_suite.cwl --wdl-path /tools/wdl/refget_compliance_suite.wdl --test-cwl-path /tools/cwl/refget_compliance_suite_config.cwl.json --test-wdl-path /tools/wdl/refget_compliance_suite_config.wdl.json --registry DOCKER_HUB --toolname testing

dockstore tool test_parameter --entry --version 1.2.6 --descriptor-type CWL --add /tools/cwl/refget_compliance_suite_config.cwl.json

dockstore tool test_parameter --entry --version 1.2.6 --descriptor-type WDL --add /tools/wdl/refget_compliance_suite_config.wdl.json

However, when I do the same using UI, the descriptor files and test_parameter files are showing up as expected. Tool created via UI

Could you please help me figure out what I might be missing?


Thanks for bringing this up. Unfortunately, this is a bug on our end so you are not missing anything. You will have to register your tools through the UI for now. This ticket has been created to track this issue: Our TRS tool conversion is not recognizing tool tags properly · Issue #4487 · dockstore/dockstore · GitHub

Thank you for the clarification.