Doi for a single version appear for all versions of a workflow

A doi has been requested for a version of a workflow: Dockstore
However, it appears in the doi field of each version:

I find it very confusing. People could cite the doi for the wrong version.
Is this a known problem? Is it done on purpose?

Thank you,

Lucille Delisle

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Hi Lucille,

It’s done on purpose. The DOI you’re referring to is a Concept DOI, which is displayed in the Workflow Information section instead of in the Workflow Version Information section, where the version-specific DOI would be displayed.

When a DOI is requested for the first time, Zenodo registers two DOIs, one representing all versions of your record (the Concept DOI) and another representing a specific version (the Version DOI). Subsequent requests for a DOI for different versions of the workflow create a new Version DOI. The Concept DOI remains the same.

Thanks for bringing to our attention that the display of the concept DOI is confusing. I’ve created an issue to improve the way that we display this information: Improve the display of the concept DOI and version DOI · Issue #5742 · dockstore/dockstore · GitHub.


Hi Kathy,
Thanks for the explanation. I have two additional questions related to doi:

  • Is there a way to publish all versions to zenodo at once?
  • If we have a github/zenodo connection to automatically generate a doi at each release, is dockstore able to detect it and automatically display it?
    Thank you,


Is there a way to publish all versions to zenodo at once?

Unfortunately, there is no way to publish all versions to Zenodo at once. You will have to navigate to each version and request a DOI for each one.

If we have a github/zenodo connection to automatically generate a doi at each release, is dockstore able to detect it and automatically display it?

Currently, Dockstore is unable to detect DOIs that are automatically generated by the GitHub/Zenodo connection.

These both sound like great feature requests so I’ve created tickets for them:
