Is there anything I need to do to get metrics on my workflow? Specifically from Terra or Anvil?
Workflow Metrics — Dockstore documentation talks about “platform owners” submitting metrics. I’m guessing that’s Terra? And not something I can control. Is this correct?
That’s correct – metrics isn’t something that users can submit. Users launch workflows from Dockstore into platforms like Terra, and the platforms can submit metrics to Dockstore.
Are you interested in submitting metrics for your own workflows? We currently don’t support the ability for end users to submit metrics, but it is a feature that we are looking into.
I’m interested in metrics on how often a workflow gets used. I was hoping there was something simple I could do to enable metrics from Terra, but I guess not.
I think a cross-platform way to collect usage metrics would be very useful.
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We do collect metrics from Terra, but it’s on a periodic basis and the latest metrics we have from Terra is up to June 2024. You can see an example of Terra metrics for a workflow here.
There isn’t any action required on your end to enable metrics from Terra. If you execute your Dockstore workflows on Terra, metrics for your workflows should be available on Dockstore the next time that Terra provides us metrics.
Is there any way to get more real-time metrics? Also, I noticed that the execution metrics shown for workflows are made available per version of the workflow; is it possible to get a summary of executions for all versions of a particular workflow?
Thank you in advance!
There is nothing that can be done from the user’s side to get more real-time metrics. However, we are actively working with Terra to receive more metrics on a more frequent basis.
You’re correct that metrics are only displayed per version. I’ve created a feature request to display a summary of metrics for all versions of a workflow here so that our team can work on it 