Not able to publish my workflow on dockstore

My .dockstore.yml looks like this (only partial file shown).

version: 1.2
 - name: scsorter_run
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: ./tasks/scsorter_run.wdl
    - ./input_jsons/scsorter_run_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: multisample_seurat
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: ./tasks/multisample_seurat.wdl
    - ./input_jsons/multisample_seurat_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

My launch tab on dockstore looks like this

I am not able to publish my workflows as the publish button looks to be toggled off.
I am wondering why this could be? Is this because of relative paths in the .dockstore.yml if so is there a way for getting the relative paths working on dockstore?

Thank you!

Hello! The paths in .dockstore.yml should generally be absolute, so yes, the relative paths in your file could be a problem. There might be a corresponding “failed” entry in the GitHub App Logs:
Please take a look, and if you find one, what does it say?

It looks like this :-

In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scsorter_run':
- File '/task/scsorter_run.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/scsorter_run.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/multisample_seurat':
- File '/task/multisample_seurat.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/multisample_seurat.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/linear_chain_adddoublets_seurat':
- File '/task/linear_chain_adddoublets_seurat.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/linear_chain_adddoublets_seurat.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/singleR_immune_nonimmune_pipeline':
- File '/task/singleR_immune_nonimmune_pipeline.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/singleR_immune_nonimmune_pipeline.wdl'.

That error seems to correspond to Update .dockstore.yml · smk5g5/Single_cell_WDLworkflows@7d6a7d1 · GitHub

Are you attempting to publish in the smk5g5 org or the Petti-Lab org?

I have tried both. Neither works.

I more meant, in which organization do you have the github app installed?
Error messages are organized by organization and will only show up if you have the app installed and after a change is made/pushed.

I’m attaching a screenshot of what it looks like for the databiosphere organization for example

This is how my app logs look like. I have done code commits on github (make changes to work it with dockstore) but as you can see it has not updated in the past day for some reason on dockstore.

One thing I noticed about your .dockstore.yml is that it references files in the directory /task, which doesn’t exist in the repo and is why the files are not being found. However, the directory /tasks does exist, and it appears to contain the files, so you could try adjusting the file paths in your .dockstore.yml accordingly and pushing again.

This is how my .dockstore.yml file looks like. It never had an entry with ./task folder it was always ./tasks but not sure why dockstore is not reading it correctly.

version: 1.2
 - name: scsorter_markerprediction
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/scsorter_run.wdl
    - /input_jsons/scsorter_run_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: Seurat_multisample
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/multisample_seurat.wdl
    - /input_jsons/multisample_seurat_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: linear_chain_single_sample_seurat_doubletsadd
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/linear_chain_adddoublets_seurat.wdl
    - /input_jsons/linear_chain_adddoublets_seurat_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: singleR_immune_nonimmune
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/singleR_immune_nonimmune_pipeline.wdl
    - /input_jsons/singleR_immune_nonimmune_pipeline_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: QC_plots
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/plot_qc.wdl
    - /input_jsons/plot_qc_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: singleR_singleref
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/SingleR_singleref.wdl
    - /input_jsons/SingleR_singleref_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: Add_doublet_info
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/add_doubletinfo.wdl
    - /input_jsons/add_doubletinfo_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: Seurat_clustering_simple
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/clustering_n_pca_simple.wdl
    - /input_jsons/clustering_n_pca_simple_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: Seurat_rPCA_integration
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/rpca_integration.wdl
    - /input_jsons/rpca_integration_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: Add_cellid_to_srt
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/add_cellid_results_to_seurat.wdl
    - /input_jsons/add_cellid_results_to_seurat_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: Doublet_colletion
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/Doublet_calling.wdl
    - /input_jsons/Doublet_calling_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: Featureplot_genes
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/make_gene_featplots.wdl
    - /input_jsons/make_gene_featplots_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

- name: Seurat_single_sample
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/single_sample_seurat.wdl
    - /input_jsons/single_sample_seurat_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: subset_renormalize_recluster
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /tasks/subset_renormalize_recluster.wdl
    -  /input_jsons/subset_renormalize_recluster_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: recluster_renormalize
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/recluster_renorm_rerun_singleR.wdl
    - /input_jsons/recluster_renorm_rerun_singleR_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: scatter_gather_singleR
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/scatter_gather_singleR.wdl
    -  /input_jsons/scatter_gather_singleR_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: filter_n_doublets
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/single_sample_filtering_nd_doublets.wdl
    - /input_jsons/single_sample_filtering_nd_doublets_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: scatter_htmap
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/scatter_deg.wdl
    - /input_jsons/scatter_deg_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: scatter_doublet
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/scatter_gather_Doubletcall_multisample.wdl
    - /input_jsons/scatter_gather_Doubletcall_multisample_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: seurat_counts_to_anndata
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/seurat_counts_to_anndata.wdl
    - /input_jsons/seurat_counts_to_anndata_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: scatter_gather_scsorter
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/scatter_gather_scsorter.wdl
    - /input_jsons/scatter_gather_scsorter_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: filter_n_cluster
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/single_sample_filtering_n_clustering.wdl
    - /input_jsons/single_sample_filtering_n_clustering_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: scatter_doublet
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/scatter_gather_doublet_singlesample.wdl
    - /input_jsons/scatter_gather_doublet_singlesample_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: run_singleR_by_sample
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/scatter_gather_singleR_bysample.wdl
    - /input_jsons/scatter_gather_singleR_bysample_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: scatter_rpca
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /subworkflows/scatter_rpca.wdl
    - /input_jsons/scatter_rpca_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: multisample_seurat_doublet_singler
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /pipelines/multisample_seurat_doublet_singler.wdl
    - /input_jsons/multisample_seurat_doublet_singler_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: end_to_end_seurat_single_sample
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /pipelines/end_to_end_seurat_singlesample.wdl
    - /input_jsons/end_to_end_seurat_singlesample_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: end_to_end_seurat_multi_sample
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /pipelines/end_to_end_multisample.wdl
    - /input_jsons/end_to_end_multisample_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

 - name: end_to_end_seurat_single_sample
   subclass: WDL
   publish: true
   primaryDescriptorPath: /pipelines/seurat_single_sample_nomerging.wdl
    - /input_jsons/seurat_single_sample_nomerging_inputs.json
    - orcid: 0000-0002-1385-2056 

Thanks for the info! If you look at the GitHub App Logs now, what do they say?

This is how they look at this moment. They have not updated even after multiple commits to my github repo in trying to fix this Issue.

In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scsorter_run':
- File '/task/scsorter_run.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/scsorter_run.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/multisample_seurat':
- File '/task/multisample_seurat.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/multisample_seurat.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/linear_chain_adddoublets_seurat':
- File '/task/linear_chain_adddoublets_seurat.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/linear_chain_adddoublets_seurat.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/singleR_immune_nonimmune_pipeline':
- File '/task/singleR_immune_nonimmune_pipeline.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/singleR_immune_nonimmune_pipeline.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/plot_qc':
- File '/task/plot_qc.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/plot_qc.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/SingleR_singleref':
- File '/task/SingleR_singleref.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/SingleR_singleref.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/add_doubletinfo':
- File '/task/add_doubletinfo.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/add_doubletinfo.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/clustering_n_pca_simple':
- File '/task/clustering_n_pca_simple.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/clustering_n_pca_simple.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/rpca_integration':
- File '/task/rpca_integration.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/rpca_integration.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/htmap_degs':
- File '/task/htmap_degs.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/htmap_degs.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/add_cellid_results_to_seurat':
- File '/task/add_cellid_results_to_seurat.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/add_cellid_results_to_seurat.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/Doublet_calling':
- File '/task/Doublet_calling.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/Doublet_calling.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/make_gene_featplots':
- File '/task/make_gene_featplots.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/make_gene_featplots.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/LinearChain_htmapdegs':
- File '/task/LinearChain_htmapdegs.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/LinearChain_htmapdegs.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/single_sample_seurat':
- File '/task/single_sample_seurat.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/single_sample_seurat.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/subset_renormalize_recluster':
- File '/task/subset_renormalize_recluster.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/task/subset_renormalize_recluster.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/recluster_renorm_rerun_singleR':
- File '/subworkflow/recluster_renorm_rerun_singleR.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/recluster_renorm_rerun_singleR.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scatter_gather_singleR':
- File '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_singleR.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_singleR.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/single_sample_filtering_nd_doublets':
- File '/subworkflow/single_sample_filtering_nd_doublets.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/single_sample_filtering_nd_doublets.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scatter_deg':
- File '/subworkflow/scatter_deg.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/scatter_deg.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scatter_gather_Doubletcall_multisample':
- File '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_Doubletcall_multisample.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_Doubletcall_multisample.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/seurat_counts_to_anndata':
- File '/subworkflow/seurat_counts_to_anndata.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/seurat_counts_to_anndata.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scatter_gather_scsorter':
- File '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_scsorter.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_scsorter.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/single_sample_filtering_n_clustering':
- File '/subworkflow/single_sample_filtering_n_clustering.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/single_sample_filtering_n_clustering.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scatter_gather_doublet_singlesample':
- File '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_doublet_singlesample.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_doublet_singlesample.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scatter_gather_singleR_bysample':
- File '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_singleR_bysample.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/scatter_gather_singleR_bysample.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/scatter_rpca':
- File '/subworkflow/scatter_rpca.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/subworkflow/scatter_rpca.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/multisample_seurat_doublet_singler':
- File '/pipeline/multisample_seurat_doublet_singler.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/pipeline/multisample_seurat_doublet_singler.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/end_to_end_seurat_singlesample':
- File '/pipeline/end_to_end_seurat_singlesample.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/pipeline/end_to_end_seurat_singlesample.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/end_to_end_multisample':
- File '/pipeline/end_to_end_multisample.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/pipeline/end_to_end_multisample.wdl'.
In version 'master' of workflow 'Single_cell_WDLworkflows/seurat_single_sample_nomerging':
- File '/pipeline/seurat_single_sample_nomerging.wdl': Primary descriptor file not found.
- File '/.dockstore.yml': Could not find the primary descriptor file '/pipeline/seurat_single_sample_nomerging.wdl'.


I think your YAML is currently invalid.If I paste Update .dockstore.yml · smk5g5/Single_cell_WDLworkflows@1ad8162 · GitHub into an online Yaml linter, there are indentation errors.

If you have the Dockstore CLI installed, you can validate your .dockstore.yml locally. It not only does YAML validation, but also checks that your paths are correct. Just navigate to the directory on your local machine:

dockstore yaml validate --path .
Your .dockstore.yml is invalid:
./.dockstore.yml is not a valid yaml file:
while parsing a block mapping
 in 'string', line 1, column 1:
    version: 1.2
expected <block end>, but found '-'
 in 'string', line 111, column 1:
    - name: Seurat_single_sample


I just updated my .dockstore.yml file. Now it appears to be working fine. Although my github has multiple wdl files and they all show up as separate workflows. Is there a way that everything appears as part of one github repository instead?

Thank you.


Regarding Dockstore workflows and organizations:

Dockstore represents each workflow as a separate entry. Each item in the workflows field of .dockstore.yml will be registered as a separate workflow that can be viewed/searched/run independently of the others…

You can add workflows to your Dockstore organization by creating a Collection and adding the workflows to it:

Conceptually, GitHub organizations/repos and Dockstore organizations are somewhat similar, but not tied together. If identical files reside in two GitHub repos, and each is registered, two corresponding sets of workflows will appear on Dockstore.