Removing an unpublished workflow

How can I remove my own unpublished workflow??


The answer depends on the type of workflow.

  • Is it hosted (stored directly on Dockstore)?
  • Is it remote (comes from GitHub, BitBucket, or GitLab)?
  • If remote, did you add with .dockstore.yml or not?

Let me know, and I can provide more detail.

It is remote (a github repository). First I didn’t use .dockstore.yml and added a workflow (wf1). Then I created a .dockstore.yml in the repo adding another workflow from the same repo (wf2). Now I want to remove wf1 and keep wf2.

First see if you can restub the workflow you want to delete.

  • Go to My Workflows and select the workflow you want to get rid of
  • Click the Restub button/link on the far right of the Info tab

If you can do that, you then need to delete the workflow with the API:

  • Go to Account (in the dropdown after your name), and click the Copy button next to the Dockstore token; that will put your Dockstore token in the clipboard
  • On the footer of the page, click “API”, next to 1.10.0 – that will open a new tab with the Swagger for our API
  • Click the Authorize button, and paste the token from your clipboard
  • Navigate to, and click Try it Out
  • Enter the correct values for the 3 fields, and click execute.

We should make this easier in our UI, but since you’re the only one who can see it, it hasn’t been pressing.

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Thank you so much. It worked. I wouldn’t be able to guess this complicated process at all :slight_smile: